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Student Life

Transitional Kindergarten

Our school programs begin with our littlest Knights! In Transitional Kindergarten our students are introduced to life as an SFC student.

  • Age appropriate instruction in English Language Arts, Math, Religion, Social Studies, Science, Art, PE, and more helps lay the formational foundation for lifelong learning and love of school.
  • Students in TK spend their days not only learning foundational academic skills, but also social-emotional skills that help even our youngest students understand what it means to be a good friend.

Student Life

Grades K-5

In our elementary grades, students have a robust daily schedule that focuses on educating the whole child.

  • Our homeroom teachers provide instruction in key academic areas such as English Language Arts, Math, Religion, Social Studies, Science and are well trained in instructing students in multiple modalities to meet the needs of all of our learners.
  • Specialized subject specific teachers work with our students in the areas of Art, Spanish, Music, and PE.
  • Students in grades K-5 have the opportunity to participate in both on-site and off campus field trips to help bring their learning to life!
  • Additionally, we offer an extensive after school activity program with a wide variety of classes to foster many of the talents and interests of our students.

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Grades 6-8

Personal responsibility and higher expectations await St. Frances Cabrini middle school students as they move into our middle school wing.

  • Our middle school classes are departmentalized with students meeting at their homeroom first thing in the morning to begin their day and then traveling to different classrooms throughout the day.
  • The entire middle school is comprised of subject specific teachers who work hard to hone their craft and continue to implement educational best practices for the benefit of their students. Each middle student will have core subjects daily along with having their academic schedule supplemented with ancillary classes such as Art, Spanish, and PE.
  • Additionally our middle school students have an elective period once a week, with the opportunity to choose a new elective each trimester.
  • Middle school students are able to participate in our Diocesean after school sport program and have the opportunity to play three different sports throughout the school year. Additionally our 6th grade students attend a week long Science camp and our 8th grade students look forward each year to their 8th grade retreat.